Leopoldina news 4_2021 | Page 4

4 4 / 2021 // LEOPOLDINA / NEWS

COVID-19 pandemic : clear and consistent action is needed – now !

10th ad hoc statement of the Leopoldina focusses on urgently needed action
With its ad hoc statement , the Leopoldina aims to help curb the fourth wave of infection swiftly and efficiently .
Image : peterschreiber . media | AdobeStock
The German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina published the 10th ad hoc statement on the COVID-19 pandemic on 27 November . The publication focusses on the urgently needed measures to curb the fourth wave of infection as swiftly and efficiently as possible . The appearance of new virus variants – such as Omicron – which may be more infectious than previous ones , are making swift , consistent action even more a matter of urgency .

In recent months the scientific community has been able to learn much more about SARS-CoV-2 and the medical , economic and social consequences of the pandemic . Unlike last winter , better tools to stop the virus from spreading are available now , such as rapid tests , FFP2 masks and – above all – vaccines . The spread of the highly contagious Delta variant , the insufficient number of people vaccinated , a fall in immunity even after two vaccinations and the inadequate measures taken to curb the COVID-19 pandemic have all contributed to the coming winter once again

“ Swift and consistent measures based on harmonised criteria need to be taken .”
10th ad hoc statement of the Leopoldina on the COVID-19 pandemic
becoming an immense societal challenge for Germany .
To stop the rise in number of COVID- 19-related deaths as well as the lack of critical care beds for the most severely ill as hospitals are hitting the limits of their capacities , swift and consistent measu- res based on harmonised criteria need to be taken . Against this background , the ad hoc statement “ COVID-19 pandemic : clear and consistent action is needed – now !” focusses on the urgently needed measures to curb the fourth wave of infection swiftly and efficiently . The 10th ad hoc statement on the COVID-19 pandemic is part of a series of ad hoc statements published by the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina over the last two years containing recommendations concerning the medical , psychological , social , ethical , legal , pedagogical , economic , public health and educational policy aspects of the pandemic . ■ RED
Ad hoc statement “ Coronavirus-Pandemie : Klare und konsequente Maßnahmen – sofort !” ( German only )