Leopoldina news 4_2022 | Page 3

4 / 2022 // LEOPOLDINA / NEWS 3


Dear Members and Friends of the Leopoldina ,
At a time when one crisis rolls into the next , it is important that the public debate includes science-based advice . For this reason there are several articles in this issue that look at how science is communicated . In our series on policy advice , molecular biologist Mona Nemer describes her experiences as a government advisor in Canada at the interface between science and politics ( page 12 ).
The topic of how researchers talk to journalists is discussed in a report by this year ’ s Leopoldina Journalist Collegium “ Climate Research : Data , Models and Solutions from Science ” from 8 to 10
Prof . ( ETHZ ) Dr . Gerald Haug , President of the Leopoldina
September at the Alfred Wegener Institute , Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research ( AWI ) in
Image : David Ausserhofer | Leopoldina
Bremerhaven , Germany ( page 13 ).
In her role as Director of the host institute AWI , Leopoldina member Antje Boetius was also a speaker at the Journalist Collegium . In December Boetius will be awarded this year ’ s Carl-Friedrich-von-Weizsäcker-Prize by the Leopoldina and the Stifterverband , the most important German award for scientists in the field of science-based policy advice .
In this issue of the newsletter Boetius talks of her fascination with marine research and the importance of microbial communities for the climate system ( page 7 ). At the awards ceremony on 12 December , the marine researcher will also give the traditional Christmas Lecture at the Leopoldina . You are warmly invited to take this as an opportunity to visit Halle once again !
I hope you find this issue an interesting and inspiring read !