Leopoldina news 3_2023 | Page 15

8 3 / 2023 // LEOPOLDINA / NEWS

New heads : Charlotte Klonk and Andreas Barner

Art historian appointed new Secretary for Class IV / Medical doctor and mathematician appointed Honorary Senator
Two persons were added to the Leopoldina committees at the Annual Assembly : Art historian Charlotte Klonk ML was appointed Member of the Presidium and the former President of the Donor Association , Andreas Barner , was appointed Honorary Senator .

Charlotte Klonk was admitted to the Leopoldina Presidium and was elected as the new Secretary for Class IV – Humanities , Social and Behavioural Sciences during the regular Senate meeting on 28 September . The Berlin-based art historian succeeds historian Ute Frevert ML . Klonk has been a Member of Leopoldina since 2019 .

Leopoldina has appointed the medical doctor and mathematician , Andreas
Charlotte Klonk and Andreas Barner .
Images : Markus Scholz | Leopoldina , Peter Himsel | Stifterverband
Barner , as Honorary Senator in recognition of his wide-ranging and far-sighted support of Leopoldina , especially in developing a dialogue between science , economics , and politics . Barner was ap- pointed ad personam Senator for Leopoldina from 2007 to 2016 .
At their meeting the Senate also discharged the Board of Directors for the financial year 2022 . The committee also approved a new version of the election rules presented by the Presidium . This had become necessary due to newly adopted regulations for dealing with conflicts of interest in the election procedure . In the process the previous election regulations of 2015 were fully updated .
The subject of “ Artificial Intelligence ” was proposed for the Annual Assembly in 2025 by Thomas Lengauer ML ( Saarbrücken / Germany ) and Klaus-Robert Müller ML ( Berlin / Germany ).
■ JB
At the Annual Assembly in Halle ( Saale )/ Germany Jürgen Troe ML ( centre ) received the Cothenius Medal from Leopoldina Vice President Thomas Krieg ML ( left ) and President Gerald Haug ML ( right ) for his outstanding life ’ s work in science . Jürgen Troe , Member of Leopoldina since 1979 , is an expert in the field of physical chemistry and is researching chemical reaction kinetics . In this field , he focuses on describing extensive reaction systems such as the combustion of substances , reactions in the atmosphere , and processes in interstellar molecular clouds . From his research , Troe has made a significant contribution to understanding the molecular basis of chemical reactions . He has been able to clearly describe the movement of multi-atom molecules and ions in decay reactions that are important in atmospheric chemistry , photochemistry and plasma chemistry and in astrophysical reactions , combustion processes and catalysis . Troe has received many awards for his work , including the Max Planck Research Prize of the Max Planck Society in 1993 and the Carus Medal of Leopoldina in 1995 .
■ OK / Image : Anna Kolata | Leopoldina
Carus Medal for Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln

Leopoldina has awarded the Carus

Medal 2023 to macroeconomist Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln ML . Fuchs-Schündeln conducts research into the work and consumer decisions of private households . She focuses in particular on the influence of policies and norms . She also analyses the causes of inequality and the formation of economic and political preferences . Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln has been a Member of Leopoldina National Academy of Sciences since 2021 . In 2018 , she received the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize from the German Research Foundation . The Carus Medal is named after Carl Gustav Carus , 13th President of Leopoldina , and has been awarded to younger scientists in a field represented by the Leopoldina since 1896 . Medal winners have included the later Nobel laureates Jacques Monod ( 1965 ), Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard ( 1989 ) and Stefan W . Hell ( 2013 ). ■ OK
Carus Medal